Saturday, August 25, 2007

An Aunt Jackie surprise!

Thanks SO much, we got your package today! Aunt Jackie (who is a wonderful teacher) sent the boys some 'back-to-school' presents and they were a hit! The boys are all coloring at table as I write this. There was folders, notebooks, coloring books, stickers, markers, crayons, Spiderman, Diego, Wiggles, etc, etc, etc. How fun. I cannot tell you how excited they are! Thanks for thinking of them. We LOVE you Aunt Jackie :)Josie is looking mighty cute today and in a good mood as always. This onesie is from her Great Aunt Debbie. I know that Michael will LOVE these pictures!

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Yeah for Aunt Jackie and fun school supplies!

Josie can you get any cuter?!