Friday, August 17, 2007

Two too cute babies!

Before I left St. Louis my cousin Brittyne (Fitz's blog--link to the right) brought over her 3 girls to play with us. Poor girls were a little overwhelmed with all the boy play, you know "let's run and I'll tackle you" kind of play. But all of them had a good time. We got our babies together on the couch and they took all the adult attention. The babes are less then 2 months apart, Josie was born at the beginning of April and Riley born the end of May. How adorable are these angel babies??
This was our first attempt to get both the girls smiling:
It's hard sitting up by yourself! And I honestly think Josie was sticking her tongue out at me:They are just gorgeous! I keep hoping that Josie will have my blue eyes since none of my boys do, but this photo is crushing that hope!Last but not least, this might be my favorite photo. They are both looking at their Great Granny who is trying to make them smile, look at Josie's face---hilarious!

Babies are the best, no wonder I kept having them! I am looking forward to Christmas this year, the great grandchildren will be 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 8 months and 7 months! How fun will that be? Thanks Brittyne for bringing your girls over to play that day. I love these photos!!!

1 comment:

connie said...

Oh my gosh, Landon would have so much fun playing at your house!!! He is always trying to "fight" with someone, usually me. The girls are too cute.