Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It begins...

First day of school has arrived. It actually came and went, it was yesterday for us. The boys had a GREAT time! Kaden wanted to go back again last night! (that does a Mom's heart good, I'm glad he likes it so much) At dinner we talked about the fun things they liked about school and both Luke and Kaden went on and on. It was awesome. I always loved school from Kindergarten to college and I wanted the same for my children. So far so good!
Here are their morning pictures:

Luke had just gotten out of bed. Here's my boys right before we walked out the door. Can you believe how OLD Kaden looks??? I just can't believe that's my 4 year old! Just gorgeous!
How was school? Thumbs up from both my boys!

Mr. Gabriel did NOT want to miss out on the picture taking events of the morning:

And let me say a Happy Birthday!! to my cousin Melanie! We love you so much!!!!!!

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