Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Yep, still on Saturday. In mid-day we worked on decorating our house for Christmas both inside and outside. The boys were excited about helping with the tree, unfortunately they are still excited about helping with the tree even though the tree is done. They are moving ornaments, spinning it, plugging it in, etc, etc. Hope the interest drops soon or our tree won't survive December!!! I think our tree turned out beautifully!

By-the-way look on the wall behind us, the top bear head on the left is my Mom's 30th birthday present to me, it's from my favorite booth at the Affair of the Heart craft fair (Walter Works). Isn't it gorgeous?? I LOVE it Momma, thanks again!Here is the outside, looks pretty cool.

We love our inflatables. Yep, Christmas is in full swing at the Harmon house. I love Christmas time. What a glorious feeling I have. Christmas music is playing non-stop in my van now. I highly recommend Josh Groban's Christmas album. WONDERFUL, but listen to it with a box of Kleenex for the first time. Trust me. Also everyone should go and get a copy of John Denver and the Muppets. It's just not Christmas without it. Right Thaddeus? You remember, I know you do. Merry Christmas to all! Happy decorating!!!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

It looks great!