Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Watch out turkeys...

Luke had an assignment at school to disguise a turkey so it wouldn't be caught for Thanksgiving. (from a book they read) So we decided to make a garbage bird. They boys enjoyed it because they got to eat Halloween candy to get some of the wrappers. I think it turned out really cute:And here it is time for Thanksgiving, I can hardly believe how fast this year has gone. Wow. Everyone have a blessed holiday and those who are travelling--be safe! Mike's Mom and Grandma arrived safe here yesterday. We are ready for our big feast. Mike wanted to have ham this year and we thought we would just get a little turkey to go with it, you know 7 pounds or so. Well, at the commissary the only little bird they had was still almost 9 pounds. Then they announced over the loud speaker they had turkeys on sale for 40 cents a pound so we went and got one of the last ones. We ended up with a 17 pound turkey for some $6!!!! Isn't that nuts? So we have PLENTY of food if there is anyone who wants to join us! :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A reminder that college footballs biggest game is Saturday night.
Mizzou-rah!!!! Rock those chickenhawks!


Becky said...

Cute Turkey, Luke! Good Job.

Have a happy and relaxing Turkey Day.

GO Tigers! Mizzou-rah! I can't wait for this game. Niki might come up to watch... rock chalk chicken hawks...
Love, Becks

Anonymous said...


Rock Chalk Jayhawk Go KU!!!!