Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It Is Well

I have had something on my heart for the past week or so and I wanted to share it with all of you. It seems God has been teaching me a lesson and like He does, I am receiving reminders of it every time I turn around. God I want you to know that I am learning, I am hard-headed but I am learning. So here's my story:
A while ago I was in a Christian bookstore and I was captured by the CD they had playing. It was just a man and guitar singing the "old" hymns. Beautiful. I asked about it and bought the CD for myself (it was Chris Rice---Peace Like a River). As I listened to the CD I realized I knew almost every word to all of the songs. The church I went to in elementary school sang every Sunday from the Baptist Hymnal. When the song "It Is Well with My Soul" started playing I remembered always enjoying this song. I listened to it over and over and it made my heart sad but I really didn't understand why. Then last week I bought myself the new DVD "Amazing Grace" and it came with a CD with songs from the movie. Guess what was on there? Yep, "It Is Well". I listened to it and it really started to take hold. Then on Sunday morning, the last song my church sang was "It Is Well". My church sings 90% new praise and worship songs and rarely goes back to the old hymns. I got teary eyed as I sang the song and I knew that 3 times was much too much a coincidence---there was a lesson coming. I have been listening to this song over and over while driving my van and singing it in my head nonstop. I have learned my lesson that I was believe was meant for me and would like to share with you. But first, the lyrics:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, tho trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control;
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed his own blood for my soul.


My sin--oh, the bliss of this glorious tho't:
My sin not in part, but in whole
Is nail'd to the cross and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be roll'd back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend,
"Even so," it is well with my soul.

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Now, by no means am a theologian, I actually have a very simple Christian mind, I don't think God wanted things too complicated. Before I tell you my lesson you need to know about my faith. This is what I know: God loves me, He sent His son Jesus to die for me, by accepting this truth and at the same time realizing I don't deserve such a sacrifice, I have asked for forgiveness and have allowed Jesus to take hold of my life. Through this I know have a place in heaven with Him forever. My sin keeps me separate from God but Jesus has wiped my sins away. What grace and mercy we all have received!!!
The beautiful lyrics from this old hymn (1873) have really touched my heart. This is what I learned. It the actual words used in the song that made me think. It is SO important the author chose the words "it is well WITH MY SOUL". It is not, "it is well with my heart" because we know that our emotions can lead us into temptations and can cloud our judgement. It is not "it is well with my mind" because we all know that we think we know what is right for us, for our family, for fill-in-the-blank, but in truth it is God that knows and He is in control not us. Our hearts prompt us to ask God why? To get upset with Him when things happen that we can't understand. Our minds think they know too much and challenge God, allowing us to think we could 'run' things betters then Him. Our pride gets in the way. Our emotions get in the way. But the author used the word "SOUL". To me, the soul is the eternal part of your body. It is not clouded by judgments, emotions, or pride. It is our true self. The song says tho trials should come, it is well with my soul. We can and will be upset when 'bad' things happen, we are allowed to question God and ask why. We are NOT ever going to understand why things happen the way they do. But that is what faith is for. Faith that God is in control and we do not need to worry. "Tho trials shall come/sorrows like sea billows is well with my soul" My peaceful soul knows that ALL things happen for the good of those who love Him. My peaceful soul knows I am to be heaven forever. My sins have been taken away, my soul is cleansed.
My emotions will go up and down, my mind will second guess, wonder, and wander, but my soul knows. I need to start thinking like my soul. Rest in the assurance that God is with me. Know He loves me. Believe in His promises. Wait for His return. Remember all things on this world do not go on: no hurts, no sorrows, no regrets, no problems. So no matter what I am faced with----all is well with my soul.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jess, for sharing those thoughts with "us." That hymn is one of my favorite's as well, for all the reasons you mentioned but also because of the story of it's writing. You may know this already, but if not...

The song was written by Horatio Spafford, a successful lawyer who lived in Chicago with his wife and four daughters. He lost a great part of his fortune when Chicago burned in the late 1800s. A few years later he and his family were going to vacation in Europe and because of business, he sent his wife a four daughters ahead of him. While sailing across the Atlantic ocean, their boat was hit by another and sank. Spafford's wife was later rescued, but his four daughters were lost. When he recieved the news, he sailed immediately to be with his wife. As he passed over the place where his daughters had died, he wrote the challenging, convicting, beautiful and sometimes-hard-to-sing words to that hymn.

I hear that song and think of all of the reasons that my soul isn't 'well' today. But when I think of the soul of the author, and how through all of his pain he was able to face God with his faith (and soul) still intact, I am truly humbled. I'm sure that Spafford would also have been humbled to know that his unimaginable tragedy has blessed countless lives over the past 134 years.

May it be well with us all...

Cheryl said...

I love you, and am so very proud of you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Love Mom

Kelly said...

I could not have worded that any better. I was reading over what you said and I was like...that is me...(well, except for the van part hehe)...I guess one of the hundred of reasons why I love you as my friend. You and I are not ashamed to show or talk about our faith, and to decipher it in our own way and figure out what it means for us. :) As we enter the CHRISTmas season, hopefully we can all remember what Jesus did for us, and why we should be thankful. Love you!!!