Monday, November 05, 2007


Ugh. It's here! Sickness has arrived. Yuck. Thank goodness it is a mild and quick case for everyone. Let me detail some of the fun things for you. Here goes: Josie decided to throw up ALL over me Friday night after her dinner. She and I were completely covered! Gross I know but it happens. Threw up twice more but was fine Saturday morning. Gabriel puked last weekend, told you guys about that one. Now bless his heart it has moved to the other end---it's terrible and lots of it. I spent Saturday morning cleaning it up off the carpet, yep! Doesn't that sound like fun?! It wasn't. So Saturday night Kaden starting throwing up. He made it to our bedroom door and then lost it. It was all over 2 walls and the tile entryway. Fun for Mom again. I checked his bedroom to make sure it was clean but he must have started it off in there. I cleaned up puke from his carpet. Again, not so fun. I hardly slept at all Saturday night, Kaden threw up 7 times! Bless his bones. But was feeling good yesterday and went to school today happy as a lark. Flash (our basset) decided to join in and puked all over the living room Sunday morning. I cleaned that up too. Where was Michael during all this carpet cleaning you ask??? Dealing with the one that was sick. I think we should switch jobs next time! Luke woke up this morning saying he doesn't feel good. On the way to Kaden's school he threw up but I was all prepared for that. He is now sacked out on the couch watching Justice League cartoons. Like I said it seems to be moving through quickly at least! I can't just post gross-nasty-sicko-news so here are some pictures of happier, healthier times. This was at Luke's soccer game and at the park a couple weeks ago when Grandmom was visiting:


Anonymous said...

Oh my.........the life of a mother. Hope all are healthier soon.

connie said...

You really do need to change jobs next time. They need their mommy when they dont feel good :) Jeff is a much better cleaner than I when it comes to those things.

Brittyne Fitzgerald said...

I am hurting for you girl! Sounds just horrible. I am praying that the germs go away super soon!