Friday, November 09, 2007

My kiddos

Thought I would give you all a quick update on my loves. First and foremost everyone is better! Praise God for that! We have made it through yet another virus. Victory is ours! :) Now onto my babies:
Let us begin with Josie Claire. She is still such a sweet angel baby, I cannot say that enough! Her smile brightens my day. We went in to the doc yesterday for her second round of flu shot and to get a weight check. Remember at her 6 month she had only gained a couple ounces since her 4 month and doc wanted us to keep an eye on that. Well she has only gained another 2 ounces. Here are the basics without all the details, I am still nursing her and that is going fine. She does not like baby food or formula. She throws up anything but my goods. Bless her bones. Doc doesn't think it's reflux, thinks maybe it's a motor function issue (like she hasn't figured out how to swallow or something). He is a little concerned about her now and said we will give it another month and then if she still isn't gaining he will refer her to a pediatric gastroenterologist. He wants me to keep feeding her baby food and give her some extra calories with formula even if it makes her puke. Doesn't seem nice, does it? He was so sweet though, he said Josie's problem only exists on paper because she looks great, she is happy all the time, she has reached all her developmental milestones, etc. I'll keep you posted on how she is doing. My darling baby girl:
Gabriel Todd. What can I say? He is still 85% sweet and a mere 15% stinker. He is getting good at being a 2 year old. His fits mostly have him laying limp on the ground. He is just so darn cute it is terribly hard to get mad at him. He is talking more and more, his little voice is so adorable. Here a picture of our stink that stole the cereal:
Kaden Thaddeus. This boy always keeps me going. He surprises me daily. Preschool has done wonders for him. He is a complete and total sponge! He absorbs everything they do there. He knows how to spell all of his colors and is learning how to read, he sounds out letters great! When we do Luke's sight word lists Kaden has to be a part of it too. He gets upset on Saturdays because there is no school and no church to go to. He is changing so much right now, it's amazing! So yeah, here is his school picture, bless his heart. I don't even know what to say about it. Not too flattering huh? Don't really know what he is doing with his mouth there. But rest assured Grandmas that we are getting his picture redone at Sears! He is a beautiful boy, check out those eyes!Luke Thomas. What can I say about him? He is growing up quickly. He loves Kindergarten and is having a great time. He is doing great working on his reading and loves practicing! He loves playing soccer, this is his last week and then basketball starts in December. Luke is obsessed with sports of any kind. He loves watching football with us on Saturdays and Sundays. He always has to know who we are cheering for, I think he gets that from me. He told me this morning on the way to school that "We don't like the OU or those Kansases" Boy is learning young and learning right! Here is his school photo. Mike thinks he looks like he is 12. We are not ready for that!

That about covers them. I am so blessed to have them. They are my world!


Anonymous said...

I believe those children are the most beautiful grandchildren I have ever seen.
An unbiased observer

Becky said...

What a beautiful posting... your kids are adorable... Just wish we saw you more often. I love having the blog to keep updated with you... Not too much longer before Christmas... it's creeping up on me... it'll be here before we know it. Take care, Becks