Monday, April 07, 2008

One year photos!

After our crazy late night on Friday, we got up early Saturday and headed into Sears for Josie's one-year pictures. I took 4 different outfits and she did GREAT! We got some adorable shots and so I bought many pictures of my sweet baby girl. I have always been jealous of those that get to use the 'cute' backgrounds. With 3 boys I was limited to the American flag and plain dark colors basically. NOT ANYMORE!!!!!! We've got flowers, fields, and windows! Very exciting! Go ahead and let me know how gorgeous you think my baby is... :) And which photo is your favorite?! It's impossible for me to choose just one----just check out my bill :)

Fun side note. The bracelet that Josie is taking off and then eating in the yellow dress pictures was my Momma's when she was a baby. See:

I have had that bracelet for years and years waiting for a little girl to put it on. It's very special for my Mom and I to see that bracelet in another photo! We love you baby girl, you are an answer to prayer!

1 comment:

Dan, Kellie & Kiddos said...

Jesse - I'll tell you - SHE'S BEAUTIFUL! My favorite pictures are the ones with her feet up in the air with the Daisy flowers! TOO CUTE...hmmm...maybe I need to consider more kiddos...hmmm...maybe not just yet!