Sunday, April 06, 2008

Present time!

I told you Josie's birthday was busy! Here are the other half of the pics. After we finished the cupcakes and talked with Daddy, Grandmom, and Melanie, it was present time! The boys were insanely excited. I kept reminding them it was Josie's birthday and so they were Josie's presents but that really didn't matter to them. And they ended up opening her presents, not in a mean way, just to help her, Josie wasn't that interested at first. The boys were awfully cute I think. Here's Josie with her presents. She is wearing some new Princess PJs from her Momma. I know that Michael will love them :)
Kaden helped Josie with her present from her Great Grandma.
While Kaden was busy doing that, Gabriel had discovered another present from Mom and Dad. (And Kelly, Josie LOVES that penguin! I kid you not!)
Luke swooped in with the 'big' gift. Josie wasn't so interested at first, check out that face!!!!

Here's the mess we made:Josie chose to eat her special card from her fam:After presents it was a mad rush through dinner and then off to the ballpark for Luke's 7:30 game. (We have to leave by 6:45 or so to make it there by 7.) The temperature wasn't THAT cold, but the ridiculous Oklahoma wind was NOT fun. But we make the most of it. Josie is wearing a onesie, a sweatshirt, a coat with a hood, a knit hat, and her adorable winter coat with a blanket on top! Bless her bones she was like the brother in "A Christmas Story" ("I can't put my arms down!") She was trying to play with some toys but couldn't really bend her arms so she just gave up. None of this bothered her, I swear she is the best baby ever!When we got home it was almost 9 so as I was rushing the boys off to bed Josie started playing with her new Amazing Animals Ark. It is super-cute and she really likes it!

And for today's video. Here is Josie dancing and singing while she plays with her ark. (and please ignore the clothes thrown around the room, remember I had just thrown the boys in bed, I am usually NOT that much of a mess...)

Last but not least here is my sweet baby at the end of her happy day. She is showing off her new Princess sippy cup. We know Daddy will like that too :)

Happy Birthday my sweet angel! I love you so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't believe she's really one!! She's too cute for words! Love the video :)